Helium-weak star

Helium-weak stars are chemically peculiar stars which have a weak helium lines for their spectral type.[1][2] Their helium lines place them in a later (i.e. cooler) spectral type then their hydrogen lines.[3]

  1. ^ Landstreet, J. D.; Bohlender, David A. (1988). "Abundance and Magnetic Field Geometries of Helium-Strong and Helium-Weak Stars". Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 132: 309–312. Bibcode:1987BAAS...19..704B. doi:10.1017/S0074180900035191. ISSN 0074-1809.
  2. ^ Preston, George W. (1974). "The Chemically Peculiar Stars of the Upper Main Sequence". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 12 (1): 257–277. Bibcode:1974ARA&A..12..257P. doi:10.1146/annurev.aa.12.090174.001353.
  3. ^ "A Digital Spectral Classification Atlas - R. O. Gray". ned.ipac.caltech.edu. Retrieved 2019-05-31.