
Map of Cyprus, North Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey, representing the extent of territory if the four countries were to unite

Hellenoturkism (Greek: Ελληνοτουρκισμός, romanizedEllinotourkismós; Turkish: Helenotürkizm) is a political concept that encompasses two things: a fact of civilization (i.e. the co-habitation and interdependence, since the 11th century) of the Greek and Turkish peoples and cultures, and a political ideology based on the above civilizational phenomenon, which aims at establishing a Hellenic-Turkish political ensemble, national, and cultural identity.

Most believers in the ideology support differing main principles and points, although generally supported ideas are that, one, both nations and peoples share similar cultures, traditions, histories, and also a mixed genetic similarity.

And two, that such a unification would create a new global and regional, military and economic power within the European Union and NATO, which would also peacefully resolve ongoing disputes between the Cypriot, Greek, and Turkish states and communities such as the Cyprus problem, the Aegean problems, and also Maritime-border disputes in the Mediterranean between the two Cypriot communities and three nations.