
In mathematics, upper hemicontinuity and lower hemicontinuity are extensions of the notions of upper and lower semicontinuity of single-valued functions to set-valued functions. A set-valued function that is both upper and lower hemicontinuous is said to be continuous in an analogy to the property of the same name for single-valued functions.

To explain both notions, consider a sequence a of points in a domain, and a sequence b of points in the range. We say that b corresponds to a if each point in b is contained in the image of the corresponding point in a.

  • Upper hemicontinuity requires that, for any convergent sequence a in a domain, and for any convergent sequence b that corresponds to a, the image of the limit of a contains the limit of b.
  • Lower hemicontinuity requires that, for any convergent sequence a in a domain, and for any point x in the image of the limit of a, there exists a sequence b that corresponds to a subsequence of a, that converges to x.