Herbert S. Terrace

Herbert S. Terrace

Herbert S. Terrace (born 29 November 1936) is a professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at Columbia University. His work covers a broad set of research interests that include behaviorism,[1] animal cognition,[2] ape language[3] and the evolution of language.[4] He is the author of Nim: A Chimpanzee Who Learned Sign Language (1979) and Why Chimpanzees Can't Learn Language and Only Humans Can (2019). Terrace has made important contributions to comparative psychology, many of which have important implications for human psychology. These include discrimination learning,[5] ape language,[6] the evolution of language,[7] and animal cognition.[8]

  1. ^ Terrace, H. S. (1966). Stimulus Control. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. pp. 271–344.
  2. ^ Roitblat, H. L.; Bever, T.G.; Terrace, H.S. (1984). Animal cognition: Proceedings of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Conference. Hillsdale, New Jersey: 'Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  3. ^ Terrace, H. S. (1979). Nim. New York, New York: 'A. Knopf.
  4. ^ Terrace, H. S. (2019). Why Chimpanzees Can't Learn Language and Only Humans Can. New York, New York: 'Columbia University Press.
  5. ^ Terrace, H. S. (1963a). "Discrimination learning with and without errors". Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 6: 1–27. doi:10.1901/jeab.1963.6-1. PMC 1404228. PMID 13980667.
  6. ^ Terrace, H. S.; Petitto, L.A.; Sanders, R.J.; Bever, T.G. (1979). "Can an ape create a sentence?". Science. 206 (4421): 891–902. Bibcode:1979Sci...206..891T. doi:10.1126/science.504995. PMID 504995.
  7. ^ Studdert-Kennedy, M.; Terrace, H. S. (2017). "In the beginning: A review of Robert C. Berwick and Noam Chomsky's Why Only Us". Journal of Language Evolution. 2 (2): 114–125. doi:10.1093/jole/lzx005. PMC 6715309. PMID 31467686.
  8. ^ Terrace, H. S. (1984). Roitblat, H. L.; Bever, T. G.; Terrace, H. S. (eds.). Animal Cognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 7–28.