High pressure jet

Contour animation of the mole fraction variation (from 0.025 to 0.05) of a Natural Gas jet as it impinges a steel tank done through CFD.

A high pressure jet is a stream of pressurized fluid that is released from an environment at a significantly higher pressure than ambient pressure from a nozzle or orifice, due to operational or accidental release.[1] In the field of safety engineering, the release of toxic and flammable gases has been the subject of many R&D studies because of the major risk that they pose to the health and safety of workers, equipment and environment.[2] Intentional or accidental release may occur in an industrial settings like natural gas processing plants, oil refineries and hydrogen storage facilities.[2]

A main focus during a risk assessment process is the estimation of the gas cloud extension and dissipation, important parameters that allow to evaluate and establish safety limits that must be respected in order to minimize the possible damage after a high pressure release.[3]

  1. ^ Franquet, Erwin; Bruel, Pascal; Perrier, Vincent; Gibout, Stéphane (August 2015). "Free underexpanded jets in a quiescent medium: A review". Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 77: 25–53. Bibcode:2015PrAeS..77...25F. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2015.06.006.
  2. ^ a b Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport, Molkov, V., Lachance, J., Tchouvelev, A., et al., State of the art and research priorities in hydrogen safety, Publications Office, 2014, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2790/99638
  3. ^ "Lessons learned from LPG/LNG Accidents". Joint Research Centre - European Commission. Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service. Retrieved 30 June 2022.