Highland Border Ophiolite

The Highland Border Ophiolite (HBO) is a set of rocks that are ophiolitic in character found within the Highland Border Complex. They are exposed in a series of fault-bounded outcrops along the line of the Highland Boundary Fault that forms the southeastern boundary to the Grampian Highlands in Scotland. They represent fragments of a piece of oceanic crust or exhumed mantle that has been obducted onto continental crust. These rocks provide an important constraint on models of how the current geometry arose during the Caledonian Orogeny.[1][2]

  1. ^ Tanner, P.W.; Sutherland, S. (2007). "The Highland Border Complex, Scotland: a paradox resolved". Journal of the Geological Society. 164 (1): 111–116. doi:10.1144/0016-76492005-188.
  2. ^ Bluck, B.J. (2010). "The Highland Boundary Fault and the Highland Border Complex". Scottish Journal of Geology. 46 (2): 113–124. doi:10.1144/0036-9276/01-411.