Highpoint hitch

Highpoint hitch
NamesHighpoint hitch, High post hitch
RelatedBuntline hitch
Typical useQuick-release, draw loop hitch
ABoK#398, #1809

The highpoint hitch (or high post hitch[1]) is a type of knot used to attach a rope to an object. The main feature of the hitch is that it is very secure, yet if tied as a slipped knot it can be released quickly and easily with one pull, even after heavy loading. The highpoint hitch is tied in the same manner as a slipped buntline hitch until the final turn, where they diverge.[2]

  1. ^ Ashley, Clifford. "The Ashley Book of Knots". Doubleday, pp. 63,305.
  2. ^ Ashley, Clifford. "The Ashley Book of Knots". Doubleday, p. 63.