
IPA Hebrew: i
Yiddish: ɪ
Transliteration i
English approximation Hebrew: ski
Yiddish: skip
Ḥiriq Example
The word niqqud in Hebrew. The first vowel (under Nun, the dot underneath) is a ḥiriq itself.
Ḥiriq male Example
The word "baby" in Hebrew with niqqud. Notice the additional Yud י‎⟩.
Other Niqqud
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Hiriq, also called Chirik (Hebrew: חִירִיק ḥiriq  IPA: [χiˈʁik]) is a Hebrew niqqud vowel sign represented by a single dot ⟨ ִ‎ ⟩ underneath the letter. In Modern Hebrew, it indicates the phoneme /i/ which is similar to the "ee" sound in the English word deep and is transliterated with "i". In Yiddish, it indicates the phoneme /ɪ/ which is the same as the "i" sound in the English word skip and is transliterated with "i".