Historical rankings of prime ministers of the United Kingdom

Winston Churchill is generally considered one of the greatest prime ministers for his leadership during the Second World War.
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830) - Robert Banks Jenkinson (1770-1828), 2nd Earl of Liverpool Prime Minisyer 1812-1827
Clement Attlee, who served as Labour Leader for over 20 years, is almost always very highly rated among prime ministers.
Britain's longest serving prime minister in the 20th century and first female prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, is rated very highly by many, despite being a divisive figure.

Academics, members of Parliament, the general public and journalists alike have attempted to rank prime ministers of the United Kingdom and prime ministers of Great Britain. Those included below generally consist of only a subset of prime ministers, typically those of the 20th century or those who served after the Second World War.