History of Harvard Extension School

The history of the Harvard Extension School dates back to its founding in 1910 by Abbott Lawrence Lowell. From the beginning, the Harvard Extension School was designed to serve the educational interests and needs of the greater Boston community, but has since extended its academic resources to the public, locally, nationally, and internationally.

Growing out of the Lowell Institute, it first became the Commission on University Extension in cooperation with other Boston-area universities, and then eventually became a Harvard-only institution. Early students were able to earn an Associate in Arts degree, which was the equivalent of a bachelor's degree but which did have a residency requirement. That was later renamed an Adjunct in Arts before finally settling on a bachelor's degree. The first graduate degree was awarded in 1980.

The Harvard Extension School has been a leader in distance education, offering courses on the radio and television, and even on board Navy ships. Online education began in the mid-1980s, and in 2012 the school partnered with EdX to expand its reach. After 100 years, an estimated 500,000 students have taken courses at the Extension School.