History of Jerusalem during the Kingdom of Jerusalem

Crusaders thirsting under the walls of Jerusalem (Francesco Hayez, 1836–50)

The History of Jerusalem during the Kingdom of Jerusalem began with the capture of the city by the Latin Christian forces at the apogee of the First Crusade. At that point it had been under Muslim rule for over 450 years. It became the capital of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, until it was again conquered by the Ayyubids under Saladin in 1187. For the next forty years, a series of Christian campaigns, including the Third and Fifth Crusades, attempted in vain to retake the city, until Emperor Frederick II led the Sixth Crusade and successfully negotiated its return in 1229.[1]

In 1244, the city was taken by Khwarazmian troops. After 1260 the Ayyubid realm that included Jerusalem was taken over by the Mamluks of Egypt and the city was gradually rebuilt during the later 13th century, while the shrinking coastal Crusader state was gradually defeated until its final demise in 1291.[2]

  1. ^ Schein (2006), pp. 656-661.
  2. ^ Tyerman (2006).