History of scholarship

"A Scholar at his Desk"; Jan Steen, c. 1668-1669
A Scholar at his Desk; Rembrandt; 1631
"A Scholar Seated at a Desk"; Rembrandt

The history of scholarship is the historical study of fields of study which are not covered by the English term "science" (cf., history of science), but are covered by, for example, the German term "Wissenschaft" (i.e., all kinds of academic studies). Examples are the history of classical studies, the history of the study of religions, of philosophy, of Biblical studies, of historiography, of the study of music, the study of arts, the study of literature etc. It is a field which has recently undergone a complete renewal and is now a major branch of research.[1] As of 2016, the journal History of Humanities is dedicated to writing the history of scholarship in the humanities as different from (although interconnected with) the sciences.

  1. ^ Ligota, C. R. & Quantin, Jean-Louis (2006). History of scholarship: a selection of papers from the Seminar on the History of Scholarship held annually at the Warburg Institute. Oxford: Oxford University Press.