Homosexual panic

"Homosexual panic" is a term coined by American psychiatrist Edward J. Kempf in 1920 for a condition of "panic due to the pressure of uncontrollable perverse sexual cravings".[1] Kempf classified this condition as an acute pernicious dissociative disorder, meaning that it involved a disruption in typical perception and memory functions of an individual. In the psychiatrist's honour, the condition has come to also be known as "Kempf's disease". Although homosexuality itself was removed from the APA's DSM in 1973, some form of homosexual panic was retained in the manual until the release of DSM-V in 2013.

  1. ^ Kempf, Edward (1920). "The psychopathology of the acute homosexual panic. Acute pernicious dissociation neuroses". Psychopathology. pp. 477–515. doi:10.1037/10580-010.