Honduran fourth ballot box referendum

The Honduran fourth ballot box referendum (Spanish: La cuarta urna) was a planned non-binding referendum by Honduran president Manuel Zelaya to gauge public opinion on a second, binding referendum aimed at convening a constitutional assembly. The referendum would have run concurrently with the November 2009 presidential, congressional, and mayoral elections (i.e. the first three ballot boxes). Some Hondurans opposed the plan, including many politicians from the two largest parties. When Zelaya pushed ahead with plans for this referendum (subsequently structured as a government-run 'poll') on whether to include a fourth ballot box (the second referendum), the Supreme Court issued a warrant for his arrest[citation needed] and the army expelled him from the country in a coup d'état on June 28, precipitating the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis.[1]

  1. ^ Rosenberg, Mica (June 28, 2009). "Honduran troops surround presidential palace". Reuters. Retrieved November 13, 2009.