Housing insecurity in the United States

Home prices by county (2021)[neutrality is disputed]
  •   <$100,000
  •   $200,000
  •   $300,000
  •   $400,000
  •   $500,000
  •   $600,000
  •   $700,000+
Average cost of rent in the US (2014-2022)[needs context]
Cost of housing by state (2000-2022)

Housing insecurity is the lack of security in an individual shelter that is the result of high housing costs relative to income and is associated with poor housing quality, unstable neighborhoods, overcrowding, and homelessness.[1]

Housing shortages are a primary cause of high housing prices and rents. Climate change has also increased average housing costs with higher insurance premiums[2] and power bills[3] while also increasing displacement risks, especially in coastal areas.[4][5]

  1. ^ Johnson A, Meckstroth A (June 22, 1998). Ancillary services to support welfare to work (Report). Washington, DC: US Dept of Health and Human Services. pp. 20–23.
  2. ^ "Home insurance rates are rising due to climate change. What could break that cycle?". NPR. July 23, 2024.
  3. ^ Becker, William S. (2024-07-22). "Opinion: Climate inflation is eating your paycheck — and it's only going to get worse". The Hill. Retrieved 2024-07-24.
  4. ^ Romero, Ezra David (July 28, 2021). "Reporters must center climate justice. Here's how". Columbia Journalism Review. Retrieved 2024-08-16. I already knew well that the poor, communities of color, and Indigenous groups are likely to suffer first and worst from the drivers and impacts of climate change—from displacement to housing insecurity to air pollution and its public-health risks.
  5. ^ Bakshi, Nisarg (April 28, 2023). "New report details alarming health impact of climate change on children". ABC News. Retrieved 2024-08-16. A new report released this week by the Environmental Protection Agency projects the devastating health impact of climate change on children. Effects include higher rates of respiratory disease, reduced academic achievement, higher rates of infections and risk of housing insecurity in coastal cities.