Howden Turbo

Howden Turbo GmbH is a German engineering company, based in Frankenthal in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The company was formed after Colfax Corporation acquired Siemens Turbomachinery Equipment GmbH (STE) from Siemens in October 2017 for €195 million. The old brand name Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch has been returned to use.[1] The Kühnle, Kopp & Kausch AG (AG KK&K) was a German mechanical engineering company based in Frankenthal. The company was acquired by Siemens and bore the name Siemens Turbomachinery Equipment GmbH (STE) until 2017. The company was renamed Howden Turbo GmbH through the sale to Colfax Corporation and Howden.[2]

  1. ^ "KK&K: A full range of world class industrial turbocompressors and steam turbines".
  2. ^ "Siemens Frankenthal jetzt in schottischen Händen". (in German). Retrieved 12 April 2019.