Hypanis Valles

Hypanis Valles
Proposed (but rejected) Mars Science Laboratory landing site in the Hypanis Valles
Coordinates9°36′N 46°42′W / 9.6°N 46.7°W / 9.6; -46.7
Length231.0 km
NamingClassical name for river in Scythia; present Kuban River in Russia.

The Hypanis Valles are a set of channels in a 270 km valley in Xanthe Terra on Mars at 11° N, 314° E, in the Lunae Palus quadrangle. They appear to have been carved by long-lived flowing water, and a significant deposit (interpreted by some to be a river delta) exists at their outlet into the lowlands.[1]

The feature was named for a river in Scythia; present Kuban River in Russia.[2]

Research described at a Planetary Conference in Texas in the spring of 2018 suggested that the Hypanis Valles fan complex is a delta with multiple channels and lobes, which formed at the margin of a large, standing body of water. That body of water was a northern ocean. This delta is at the dichotomy boundary between the northern lowlands and southern highlands near Chryse Planitia. It is the largest proposed delta system on Mars.[3]

  1. ^ Sites of Potential Long Term Sub-surface Water, Mineral-rich Environments, and Deposition in South Elysium Planitia, Hellas-Dao Vallis, Isidis Basin, and Xanthe-Hypanis Vallis: Candidate Mars Science Laboratory Landing Sites. L. S. Crumpler.
  2. ^ "Hypanis Valles". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. Retrieved 28 April 2019.
  3. ^ Fawdon, P., et al. 2018. HYPANIS VALLES DELTA: THE LAST HIGH-STAND OF A SEA ON EARLY MARS. 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083). 2839.pdf