
GenerationGeneration III+ reactor
Reactor conceptpressurized water reactor
Reactor lineIPWR (Indian Pressurized Water Reactor)
Designed byBhabha Atomic Research Centre
Manufactured byNPCIL
StatusUnder development
Main parameters of the reactor core
Fuel (fissile material)235U (LEU)
Fuel stateSolid
Neutron energy spectrumThermal
Primary control methodcontrol rods
Primary moderatorLight Water
Primary coolantLight Water
Reactor usage
Primary useGeneration of electricity
Power (thermal)2700 MWth
Power (electric)900 MWe

The Indian Pressurized Water Reactor-900 (IPWR-900) is a class of pressurized water reactors being designed by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in partnership with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited to supplement the Indian three-stage nuclear power programme.