
In abstract algebra, the idealizer of a subsemigroup T of a semigroup S is the largest subsemigroup of S in which T is an ideal.[1] Such an idealizer is given by

In ring theory, if A is an additive subgroup of a ring R, then (defined in the multiplicative semigroup of R) is the largest subring of R in which A is a two-sided ideal.[2][3]

In Lie algebra, if L is a Lie ring (or Lie algebra) with Lie product [x,y], and S is an additive subgroup of L, then the set

is classically called the normalizer of S, however it is apparent that this set is actually the Lie ring equivalent of the idealizer. It is not necessary to specify that [S,r] ⊆ S, because anticommutativity of the Lie product causes [s,r] = −[r,s] ∈ S. The Lie "normalizer" of S is the largest subring of L in which S is a Lie ideal.