Immersion (mathematics)

The Klein bottle, immersed in 3-space.

In mathematics, an immersion is a differentiable function between differentiable manifolds whose differential pushforward is everywhere injective.[1] Explicitly, f : MN is an immersion if

is an injective function at every point p of M (where TpX denotes the tangent space of a manifold X at a point p in X and Dp f is the derivative (pushforward) of the map f at point p). Equivalently, f is an immersion if its derivative has constant rank equal to the dimension of M:[2]

The function f itself need not be injective, only its derivative must be.

  1. ^ This definition is given by Bishop & Crittenden 1964, p. 185, Darling 1994, p. 53, do Carmo 1994, p. 11, Frankel 1997, p. 169, Gallot, Hulin & Lafontaine 2004, p. 12, Kobayashi & Nomizu 1963, p. 9, Kosinski 2007, p. 27, Szekeres 2004, p. 429.
  2. ^ This definition is given by Crampin & Pirani 1994, p. 243, Spivak 1999, p. 46.