Improved United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment

IUKADGE directed Panavia Tornado ADVs (pictured) against targets across the North Sea.

The Improved United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment, normally shortened to either UKADGE or IUKADGE, was the Royal Air Force's (RAF) ground-controlled interception system covering the British Isles during the 1990s. It consisted of a number of ground-based radar sites, links to airborne early warning aircraft and Royal Navy ships, a telecommunications system to send digital data and voice communications on a protected network, and processing systems based on VAX-11/780 computers. The network ultimately contained a dozen long-range radars including four Marconi Martello, two General Electric TPS-592, and six Plessey AR-320.

UKADGE was developed in response to concerns about its predecessor, Linesman/Mediator. Linesman started in the 1950s, when it was assumed that any air attack on the UK would be by hydrogen bomb so no effort was made to "harden" the radars or its main control centre as such effort would be futile. By the mid-1960s, with the Soviet Union reaching strategic parity with NATO, such an attack no longer seemed likely; it was assumed a war would have a protracted conventional stage, perhaps never going nuclear. In this environment, the highly exposed Linesman system was a target for attack by conventional weapons.

UKADGE was intended to be highly survivable in this sort of war. It replaced Linesman's fixed communication links with a packet switching network sending data to multiple command centres around the country. Radar sites had the ability to control interceptions by themselves, while the overall recognised air picture was compiled and directed at Strike Command headquarters. To complicate the use of radar jammers, several new radars were introduced that operated across a wide band of frequencies from L to S (C to F in NATO terms). Peacetime radars were located at existing radar sites re-used from Linesman, while additional radars were ready to be set up at pre-surveyed locations.

Like Linesman before it, UKADGE soon ran into major delays. It was not declared operational until 1 June 1993, six years late, by which time the ending of the Cold War had led to a loss in interest in the programme. Even at that date, the system was missing a number of components and required considerable remedial work. By the 2000s, the system was increasingly difficult to maintain as many of the equipment vendors had since gone out of business or abandoned their product lines. In 2001, IBM won a contract to rebuild the command and communications portions of the system, which emerged as the current Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS), which is in the process of being replaced by the new Project Guardian.