Indian political society

Indian political society is the historiographical name of the political body and social body that was constituted in the Spanish America. Such political society was made up of ethnic groups and diverse cultural, initially two: "Spanish" and "Indians" (Indigenous peoples of the Americas); although over time intermediate (mestizos) and new categories were added (the addition of the blacks and the division of the Spaniards. [1] without such a name implying any "republican" condition, but alludes to the Latin expression res publica (understood as "public thing", "common good", society or State).[2]

The Spanish doctrine of the time assumed that the State or political community was made up of two elements: king and kingdom (the crown and the people or the community), which also moved to America, although it had to adapt to given circumstances.

  1. ^ Díaz Rementería, Carlos (1992). "La constitución de la sociedad política". Historia del Derecho Indiano. Madrid: Editorial MAPFRE S.A. p. 167-190.
  2. ^ Levaggi, Abelardo (2001). República de indios y república de españoles en los reinos de indias[dead link]. Valparaíso: Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos. Nº 21. ISSN 0716-5455.