Indiana Naval Militia

The Indiana Naval Militia (INM) is the currently inactive naval militia of Indiana. Along with the Indiana National Guard and the Indiana Guard Reserve, the Indiana Naval Militia is a component of the military forces of Indiana.[1] Like the members of the National Guard, the Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve personnel who make up the membership of the various naval militias have a dual federal and state status, operating as a part of their state's military forces unless called into federal service, at which time they are relieved from their state obligations and placed under federal control until they are released from active service.[2] However, unlike the National Guard, which is activated and deployed as an entire unit, naval militia personnel are activated as individuals and deployed within the ranks of their respective reserve components. Therefore, only members of the naval militia are activated under federal service, while the naval militia itself is never federalized as a unit.

  1. ^ "10 U.S. Code § 7853 - Release from Militia duty upon order to active duty in reserve components". Retrieved 19 July 2015.