Ink eraser

A chemical ink eraser

An ink eraser is an instrument used to scrape away or chemically bleach ink from a writing surface. This is a more involved process than removing pencil markings. Pencil marks can be gradually adhered to natural rubber fragments by rubbing the mark with a pencil eraser (this action is what prompted Joseph Priestley to give solidified latex its common name). Ink, however, readily penetrates the fibers of most papers and is therefore more difficult to extract by mechanical action.

Older ink erasers are therefore small knives designed to scrape off the top few microns of a sheet of paper, removing the ink that had penetrated. In concert with bladed ink erasers, an eraser similar to those at the end of pencils was also used, with additional abrasives, such as sand, mixed into the rubber. Fibreglass ink erasers also work by abrasion. These erasers physically remove the ink and the paper it has marked from the larger sheet.

The chemical ink eradicator contains a substance that reacts with some inks removing their pigmentation and hiding the writing.[1]

  1. ^ "Ink eradicators".