Inquilabi Communist Sangathan

Inquilabi Communist Sangathan was a Trotskyist organisation in India. Formed through the merger of the Communist League and the Bolshevik Leninist Group, it was set up in 1984. In the early years it had state units and members in ten provinces of India, and significant mass work. From the 1990s, there was a decline, partly because many of its members were unable to do serious teamwork; and partly because the dogmatic style of Magan Desai, a powerful figure in the strongest state unit, Gujarat, clashed with other members who wanted a more open and non-sectarian functioning. In addition, many ex-Stalinist and ex-Maoists were recruited, and one faction in West Bengal showed that they had simply replaced the Stalin-Mao cult by the Trotsky cult. By the end of the 1990s, the ICS was a much shrunken organisation. The final crisis came after the Gujarat carnage of 2002, when a faction around Desai attacked the most well-known anti-communal and civil rights activist members of the party as self-seeking individuals. The Conference of 2003 saw Gujarat, led by Desai, rejecting a delegate session, so it was unclear how many members were actually in ICS. The West Bengal unit, along with several Gujarat members, left. It is uncertain whether Desai had an actual majority with him, but he continued to call his rump organisation ICS. Their last public activity was a hostile intervention into the World Social Forum of Mumbai 2004. Those who had split subsequently set up an organisation, Radical Socialist.