Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The building of the Institute of Linguistics on Bolshoi Kislovsky lane, Moscow

The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian: Институт языкознания Российской академии наук) is a structural unit in the Language and Literature Section of the History and Philology Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This institute is one of the major centers in the field of linguistic research in Russia, and is also a center for the Moscow School of Comparative Linguistics.

Researchers of the Institute of Linguistics are involved in the study of fundamental linguistic problems as well as in applied linguistic studies of the languages of Russia, the Commonwealth of Independent States and foreign countries too. These include Romance, Germanic, Celtic, Iranian, Turkic, Mongolian, Finno-Ugriс languages and languages of the Caucasus region, Tropical Africa and South-Eastern Asia.

Attention is paid to the problems of linguistic typology and comparative and historical linguistics. Much attention is given to the research of psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic problems (language situation, language policy, language conflicts) in different regions of the world.[1]

  1. ^ A Scholars' guide to humanities and social sciences in the Soviet successor states: the Academies of Sciences of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaidzhan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan / Institute of Scientific Information in the Social Sciences (INION), Russian Academy of Sciences and Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Project supervisors: Vladimir Vinogradov and Blair A. Ruble. 2nd ed. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1993. P. 72-75.