Integral yoga

Integral yoga
FounderSri Aurobindo, The Mother

Integral yoga, sometimes also called supramental yoga, is the yoga-based philosophy and practice of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa).[1] Central to Integral yoga is the idea that Spirit manifests itself in a process of involution, meanwhile forgetting its origins. The reverse process of evolution is driven toward a complete manifestation of spirit.

According to Sri Aurobindo, the current status of human evolution is an intermediate stage in the evolution of being, which is on its way to the unfolding of the spirit, and the self-revelation of divinity in all things.[2] Yoga is a rapid and concentrated evolution of being, which can take effect in one life-time, while unassisted natural evolution would take many centuries or many births.[3] Aurobindo suggests a grand program called sapta chatushtaya (seven quadrates) to aid this evolution.

  1. ^ O'Connor 2005, p. 634.
  2. ^ Aurobindo (1939), p. 1107.
  3. ^ Aurobindo (1996), p. 282