Interfaith greetings in Indonesia

Interfaith greetings (Indonesian: Salam Lintas Agama), sometimes referred as Bhinneka greetings (Indonesian: Salam Kebhinekaan),[1] are often used to open formal meetings in Indonesia. The phrases combine the greeting phrases of several or all major religions in Indonesia. These greeting phrases have become widespread during the Reformasi era in the aftermath of fall of Suharto in 1998.[2] Politicians and public figures often use them to emphasize the multireligious identity of Indonesia, though Islamic conservatives have criticized them.

  1. ^ Siahaan, Janfrido M. (2020). "Salam Lintas Agama Merekatkan yang Berbeda untuk Memberkati Satu Sama Lain". RHEMA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika Dan Praktika. 6 (1): 13–22.
  2. ^ Agama, Kementrian. "Salam Lintas Agama Syubhat, Benarkah?". Retrieved 2022-12-19.