Interior life (Catholic theology)

Christian Tradition says Mary was at prayer when the Incarnation of the Word was announced

Interior life is a life which seeks God in everything, a life of prayer and the practice of living in the presence of God. It connotes intimate, friendly conversation with Him, and a determined focus on internal prayer versus external actions, while these latter are transformed into means of prayer.

According to John Paul II, Jesus' statement "without me you can do nothing" (cf. Jn 15:5) is a truth that "constantly reminds us of the primacy of Christ and, in union with him, the primacy of the interior life and of holiness."

In his first encyclical Deus caritas est, Benedict XVI emphasized that man "cannot always give, he must also receive," and pointed to the urgency and importance of experiencing in prayer that God is Love. He taught the Christian's dialogue with God "allows God to work" for God is "the only One who can make the world both good and happy."

According to John Tauler(1290-1361)interior life is the condition of our soul, the offenses against God that we have committed. Man may learn the difference between various kinds of sin, to think of them more intelligently, and thereby have greater sorrow for them and guard more carefully against committing them. Attack thy faults, condemn they faults with resolute courage. Interior faults are a real hindrance to spiritual life. We need to be on guard for God will not let these faults go unpunished.