Internal Troops of Belarus

Internal Troops of Belarus
Унутраныя войскі МУС
Внутренние войска МВД
Unutranyja vojski MUS
Vnutrenniye voyska MVD
Agency overview
Preceding agency
Superseding agencyMinistry of Internal Affairs
Jurisdictional structure
Operations jurisdictionBelarus
General nature
Operational structure
Agency executives
  • Nikolai Karpenkov, Deputy Interior Minister – Commander of the Internal Troops
  • Khazalbek Atabekov[2], Deputy Commander
Significant operations

The Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Belarusian: Унутраныя войскі МУСU, romanizednutranyja vojski MUS; Russian: Внутренние войска МВД, romanizedVnutrenniye voyska MVD) is an Internal Troops - paramilitary law enforcement force in the Republic of Belarus under the national Ministry of Internal Affairs. All personnel are trained in the Internal Troops Faculty of the Military Academy of Belarus.

  1. ^ "Внутренние войска Министерства внутренних дел Республики Беларусь". Archived from the original on 2019-06-30. Retrieved 2020-07-03.
  2. ^ "Хазалбек Атабеков назначен заместителем командующего внутренними войсками МВД Беларуси". May 22, 2018. Retrieved Aug 14, 2020.