Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools

IASAS Emblem

The Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools (IASAS) is an association of six private schools in and around Southeast Asia. The member schools are International School Bangkok (Thailand), International School of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), International School Manila (Philippines), Jakarta Intercultural School (Indonesia), Singapore American School (Singapore), and Taipei American School (Taiwan).[1]

High-level competitions and events involving teams or groups from the IASAS schools are held throughout the school year in areas of sports, or cultural and artistic events. Sports competitions are organized into three separate seasons, and tournaments are held at the end of approximately 10-week seasons. Cultural and Artistic events are held in separate seasons from sports, with Model United Nations during one season (non-competitive event), and the Arts events during another season. Each of the IASAS schools rotate the hosting of events, based on available facilities and current events of each country. While participating in events, students are expected to adhere to a strict code of conduct. Students traveling to other schools to participate in IASAS events stay with families of students from the host school. The events, organized by season, are listed below.