Inverted vee antenna

An inverted vee antenna is a type of antenna similar to a horizontal dipole, but with the two sides bent down towards the ground, typically creating a 120- or 90-degree angle between the dipole legs. It is typically used in areas of limited space as it can significantly reduce the ground foot print of the antenna without significantly impacting performance. Viewed from the side, it looks like the English letter "V" turned upside down, hence the name. Inverted vee antennas are commonly used by amateur radio stations, and aboard sailing vessels requiring better HF performance than available with a short whip antenna. Inverted vee antennas are horizontally polarized and have a similar pattern compared to a traditional horizontal dipole.

Typical amateur radio inverted vee installed on roof. This multiband antenna allows transmissions on the 40/20/15/10 meter bands. Center point is held up with masting and ends are secured to roof. Two VHF verticals are also shown.