Islamo-Leftism (Persian: چپ اسلامی; French: Islamo(-)Gauchisme, Spanish: Islamo-Izquierdismo, Hindi: इस्लामी-वामपन्थ, Polish: Lewica(-)islamska),[1] adjectivally Islamo-Leftist (French: Islamo(-)Gauchiste),[2] is a neologism applied by individuals to the political alliance between leftists and Islamists.[3]
Critics pointed out that the concept of "Islamo-leftism" is not even a real ideology, but a bogeyman of French right-wing talk media. No one can pin down exactly what it means, but commentators agree the term "Islamo-leftism" is an attempt by reactionary pundits to associate leftist academics with violent Islamist movements through connections that are tenuous at best and fictive at worst.