Italian Army gorget patches

Italian Army gorget patches (Italian: Mostreggiature or Italian: Mostrine) are worn by all army personnel on the collars of the shirts and jackets of their service uniforms and formal uniforms. The gorget patches identify the arm (Infantry, cavalry, artillery, engineer, signals, transport and material), corps (Health, commissariat, engineers), or speciality within an arm or corps a soldier belongs to. Generals wear golden stars instead of a gorget patches, while army recruits wear silver stars until they are assigned to a unit after basic training. Originally made from colored cloth, respectively embroidered cloth for Granatieri, Carabinieri and general staff members, gorget patches have been made since 1973 from enamelled metal.[1]

All patches below are worn on the right side.
Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini greets NCOs, who wear paratroopers, Alpini, and TRAMAT gorget patches
  1. ^ "Regolamento sulle uniformi dell'Esercito" (PDF). Italian Army General Staff - III Department. Retrieved 14 December 2019.