Iterated logarithm

Figure 1. Demonstrating log* 4 = 2 for the base-e iterated logarithm. The value of the iterated logarithm can be found by "zig-zagging" on the curve y = logb(x) from the input n, to the interval [0,1]. In this case, b = e. The zig-zagging entails starting from the point (n, 0) and iteratively moving to (n, logb(n) ), to (0, logb(n) ), to (logb(n), 0 ).

In computer science, the iterated logarithm of , written log*  (usually read "log star"), is the number of times the logarithm function must be iteratively applied before the result is less than or equal to .[1] The simplest formal definition is the result of this recurrence relation:

In computer science, lg* is often used to indicate the binary iterated logarithm, which iterates the binary logarithm (with base ) instead of the natural logarithm (with base e). Mathematically, the iterated logarithm is well defined for any base greater than , not only for base and base e. The "super-logarithm" function is "essentially equivalent" to the base iterated logarithm (although differing in minor details of rounding) and forms an inverse to the operation of tetration.[2]

  1. ^ Cormen, Thomas H.; Leiserson, Charles E.; Rivest, Ronald L.; Stein, Clifford (2009) [1990]. "The iterated logarithm function, in Section 3.2: Standard notations and common functions". Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.). MIT Press and McGraw-Hill. pp. 58–59. ISBN 0-262-03384-4.
  2. ^ Furuya, Isamu; Kida, Takuya (2019). "Compaction of Church numerals". Algorithms. 12 (8) 159: 159. doi:10.3390/a12080159. MR 3998658.