Itzik Manger Prize

The Itzik Manger Prize for outstanding contributions to Yiddish literature was established in 1968, shortly before Itzik Manger's death in 1969. Manger "was and remains one of the best-known twentieth-century Yiddish poets."[1] The Prize has been described as the "most prestigious in Yiddish letters".[2][3] Apparently no Manger Prizes have been awarded after 1999.

  1. ^ Citron, Murray (2016). "Introduction: The Destiny of a Poem". PaknTrager. Yiddish Book Center. Introduction to Citron's translation of an essay written by Manger. The original essay was published in the Yiddish journal Der veker [The Awakener] in February 1960.
  2. ^ Seigenthaler, Katherine (February 20, 1989). "Dina Halpern, 79, a Top Star of Yiddish Theater". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 13 June 2017.
  3. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang (February 19, 2017). "Mordkhe Schaechter, 79, leading author, lecturer on Yiddish". The New York times.