Ivaylo Cove

Location of Snow Island in the South Shetland Islands.
Topographic map of Livingston Island, Greenwich, Robert, Snow and Smith Islands.

Ivaylo Cove (Bulgarian: Ивайлов залив, ‘Ivaylov Zaliv’ \i-'vay-lov 'za-liv\) is the 500 m wide cove indenting for 900 m the east coast of Snow Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. It is bounded by the small Hall Peninsula on the west and southwest, Ogygia Island on the south and Trapecio Island on the northeast. The area was visited by early 19th century sealers.[1]

The cove is named after Czar Ivaylo of Bulgaria, 1277–1279.

  1. ^ L. Ivanov. General Geography and History of Livingston Island. In: Bulgarian Antarctic Research: A Synthesis. Eds. C. Pimpirev and N. Chipev. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2015. pp. 17–28.