Jaime Awe

Jaime José Awe[1] is a Belizean archaeologist who specializes in the ancient Maya,[2] a professor of Anthropology at Northern Arizona University,[3] and the Director of the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project.[4]

  1. ^ Awe, Jaime J. (1992). Dawn in the Land Between the Rivers: Formative Occupation at Cahal Pech, Belize and its Implication for Preclassic Developments in the Maya Lowlands. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Archaeology, University of London, England.
  2. ^ Awe, Jaime J. (2011). On Becoming a Developing Country Archaeologist. The SAA Archaeological Record, March 2011:7-9.
  3. ^ Northern Arizona University. (2015). Northern Arizona University: Department of Anthropology: Faculty, Staff. Web page, https://nau.edu/sbs/anthropology/faculty-staff/, accessed October 9, 2015.
  4. ^ Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project. (2015). Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project. Web page, http://bvar.org/, accessed October 9, 2015.