Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform

Member of the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform putting up a banner reading "[Give] the children correct history textbooks" in front of Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社)

The Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform (新しい歴史教科書をつくる会, Atarashii Rekishi Kyōkasho o Tsukuru Kai) is a group founded in December 1996[1] to promote a nationalistic[2] view of the history of Japan.

  1. ^ Carolin Rose: The Battle for Hearts and Minds. Patriotic Education in Japan in the 1990s and Beyond. In: Naoko Shimazu (editor): Nationalisms in Japan. Routledge 2006.
  2. ^ Peng Er Lam, ed. (2006). Japan's Relations With China: Facing a Rising Power. Routledge. p. 78.