Japanese in the Chinese resistance to the Empire of Japan

Throughout the Second Sino-Japanese war (1937–1945), Japanese dissidents and Japanese prisoners of war (POWs) joined the Chinese in the war against the Empire of Japan.

An IJNAF A5M fighter pilot who was shot down on 26 September 1937, had along with other captured Japanese combatants, become convinced to join the Chinese side, and helped the Chinese break Japanese tactical codes and other information that provided a huge intelligence windfall for the newly established cryptanalyst unit headed by Dr. Chang Chao-hsi.[1]

The education of Japanese captives by the Eighth Route Army began in 1938. In November 1940 the Peasants' and Workers' School was established. It reeducated Japanese POWs who afterwards were involved in propaganda.[2]

Sanzo Nosaka, and Kaji Wataru joined the Chinese resistance. They reeducated Japanese POWs. Several organizations emerged during the war. The Anti-War League, the Japanese People's Emancipation League and a communist league.[2]

  1. ^ Cheung, 2015, p. 30. 'A Japanese aviator taken prisoner in 1937' read the caption that accompanied this photograph in a Chinese newspaper in September 1937. Comparison with Japanese photographs reveals similarities between this individual and Lt Shichiro Yamashita, who was shot down near Nanking by Loh, Ying-teh on 26 September... it was kept a secret for 30 years after Loh convinced Yamashita to support the Chinese cause by helping to break IJNAF tactical codes and interpret intelligence. This defection was one of the untold secrets of the Sino-Japanese War... it was a huge intelligence windfall... especially for the newly-established cryptanalyst unit headed by Dr. Chang Chao-hsi.
  2. ^ a b Roth, Andrew (1945). Dilemma in Japan. Little, Brown & Co.