Jauer dialect

Historical distribution of the dialects of Romansh, German, and Italian in Graubünden
Native toVal Müstair
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Pronunciation of eu ('I') in the dialects of the Lower Engadine and the Val Müstair, as attested in 1962.[3]

Jauer (Romansh: jauer, pronounced [ˈjawər]) is a dialect of Romansh that is spoken in the Val Müstair. It is closely related to the neighboring dialect of the Lower Engadine, Vallader as well as Putèr spoken the Upper Engadine. The name of the dialect is derived from a nickname based on the personal pronoun jau [ˈjaw] 'I', and can be translated as 'the jau-sayers',[4] as this contrasts with Vallader eu, pronounced [ˈɛː], [ˈɛw], [ˈjɛ], [ˈjɐ], or [ˈjow] in the Lower Engadine.[5]

Other features distinguishing Jauer from Vallader include the placement of stress on the penultimate syllable of certain verbs, as well as the infinitive verb ending -er as opposed to Vallader -ar. In addition, stressed /a/ is diphthongized in Jauer. All three traits can be seen in the verb 'to sing', which is chantàr in Vallader but chàunter in Jauer.

  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (2022-05-24). "Romansh". Glottolog. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Archived from the original on 2022-10-07. Retrieved 2022-10-07.
  2. ^ "Jauer dialect of Romansh". IANA language subtag registry. 29 June 2010. Retrieved 10 January 2019.
  3. ^ Peer, Oscar (1962). Dicziunari rumantsch ladin-tudais-ch. Chur: Lia Rumantscha.
  4. ^ Arquint, Jachen Curdin; Schläpfer, Robert, eds. (1984), Die viersprachige Schweiz (in German) (1 ed.), Zürich: Ex Libris, pp. 261, 265
  5. ^ Liver, Ricarda (2010). Rätoromanisch: Eine Einführung in das Bündnerromanische (in German). Tübingen: Narr. p. 67.