Jehovah's Witnesses by country

Jehovah's Witnesses have an active presence in most countries. These are the most recent statistics by continent, based on active members, or "publishers" as reported by the Watch Tower Society.[1] The Watch Tower Society provides 'average' and 'peak' figures for the number of active members. The 'peak' figure refers to the highest number of reports for any month, including late reports from the previous month; this results in some members being counted twice for the 'peak' figure.[2][3]

Bible study figures indicate the average number of Bible studies conducted each month by Jehovah's Witness members with non-members. This includes studies conducted by Jehovah's Witness parents with their unbaptized children,[4][5] which can be counted as one hour per week and one Bible study per month, per child.[6]

The Watch Tower Society reports its activity in various dependencies and constituent states as separate 'lands', as noted.

  1. ^ "2023 Country and Territory Reports". Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania. 2023.
  2. ^ "Questions From Readers". The Watchtower. Watch Tower Society. August 15, 2011. p. 22. "Peak publishers" is the highest number reporting for any one month of the service year and may include late reports that were not added to the preceding month's report. In this way some publishers may be counted twice.
  3. ^ Shepherd the Flock of God. Watch Tower Society. 2023. p. 199. If a publisher turns in his report late, it should be added to the congregation's report for the following month and the "Number Reporting" figure should be adjusted accordingly.
  4. ^ "Question Box–Should a family Bible study be reported to the congregation?". Our Kingdom Ministry. Watch Tower Society. November 2003. p. 3.
  5. ^ "Question Box—May both parents report the time used for the regular family study?". Our Kingdom Ministry. September 2008. p. 3.
  6. ^ Organized To Do Jehovah's Will. 2017. pp. 76, 98–99, 85–87, 87.