Johan Georg Geitel

Johan Geitel portrait

Johan Georg Geitel (1683–1771), also Johann or Hans Jürgen Geitell, Geittel or Geittell, was a German-born painter in Finland when it was under Swedish rule.

Geitel was born in Braunschweig, Germany, and later moved to Stockholm and then Finland. He primarily painted religious-themed paintings and portraits. When Geitel relocated to Turku, the painters Claes Lang and Jonas Bergman protested, claiming there was not enough work for all of them. The local registrar's office granted Geitel permission for only church historical paintings. He taught at the Royal Academy of Turku from 1758 to 1763.

In 1755 he painted the altarpiece for Paimio church. He produced paintings for the Nousiainen church in 1756, the Lempäälä church in 1759, and the manor house for the Bishop of Turku in 1760. Geitel died in 1771 in Turku.