Johann Georg Holtzhey

Coin minted for John Adams in 1782 to celebrate recognition of the United States as an independent nation by the Netherlands.
Prize medal awarded in 1784 by Teylers First Society to William Laurence Brown. The design was made in 1778 and Holtzhey stamped the medals for all winners. After his death, the press was bought by the Teylers Stichting and Teylers still stamps the prize medals in the same way.
Prize medal awarded in 1846 by Teylers Second Society to Pieter Otto van der Chijs in 1846.
Commemorative print to celebrate the founding of the Dutch Society of Science in 1752, featuring the prize medal Holtzhey designed for them; engraving by Simon Fokke

Johann Georg Holtzhey (1729, Amsterdam – 1808, Amsterdam), was an 18th-century medallist and mint master from the Dutch Republic.