John Kenneth MacKenzie

John Kenneth MacKenzie (25 August 1850 – 1 April 1888) was an English medical missionary to China. He initially started his work through the London Missionary Society in Hankou (Hankow) in 1875. In Hankou, he treated patients in the London Missionary Society hospital, learned Chinese, and engaged in evangelism. The majority of the cases he treated were eye disease, opium addiction, and cases involving surgery. In 1878, MacKenzie transferred to Tianjin (Tientsin) due to the failing health of his wife. In Tianjin, MacKenzie constructed and ran a hospital with the help of the Viceroy's patronage and also established the Tientsin Medical School. MacKenzie also helped in the organisation of the Medical Missionary Association in China and the editing of the Medical Missionary Journal. He employed evangelism in many parts of his work but died an early death in 1888 due to smallpox.