John the Orphanotrophos

Zoe asks Sgouritzes to poison John the Orphanotrophos

John the Orphanotrophos (Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ Ὀρφανοτρόφος) was the chief court eunuch (parakoimomenos) during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Romanos III (r. 1028–1034). John was born in the region of Paphlagonia. His family were said to be involved in a disreputable trade, perhaps money changing or, according to George Kedrenos, counterfeiting. John was the eldest of five brothers. Two, Constantine and George, were also eunuchs, while the other two, Niketas and Michael, were 'bearded' men; the latter became Michael IV the Paphlagonian after John introduced him to the reigning Empress Zoë.[1][2] According to Michael Psellos, the two became lovers and may have plotted to assassinate Zoë's husband. Romanos was probably killed in his bath on 11 April 1034. Some contemporary sources implicate John in the assassination.

  1. ^ Skylitzes, John; Wortley, John (2010-10-07). John Skylitzes: A Synopsis of Byzantine History, 811–1057: Translation and Notes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 370–371. ISBN 978-1-139-48915-7.
  2. ^ Finlay, George (1856). History of the Byzantine Empire from DCCXVI to MLVII. W. Blackwood. p. 480.