Joint Control Commission

The Joint Control Commission (Romanian: Comisia Unificată de Control, COC; Russian: Объединенная контрольная комиссия, ОКК) is a tri-lateral peacekeeping force and joint military command structure from Moldova, Transnistria, and Russia that operates in a demilitarized zone on the border between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The disputed territory between the two is controlled by the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (Transnistria, PMR). The JCC is also known as the Unified Control Commission.[1][2]

  1. ^ Dermenji, Denis. "Cine este diplomatul rus expulzat din Moldova și ce legături are cu serviciile secrete". Radio Europa Liberă.
  2. ^ Necșuțu, Mădălin (21 April 2023). "Russian Troop Movements in Transnistria Alarm Moldova". Balkan Insight. Archived from the original on 7 July 2023. Retrieved 6 July 2023.