Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill

Patriarch Kirill
Pope Francis
Patriarch Kirill (left) in 2009 and Pope Francis (right) in 2015

The Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill, also known as the Havana Declaration, was issued following the first meeting in February 2016 between Pope Francis, who, as the Bishop of Rome, is the pontiff of the Catholic Church, and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus', Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), the largest of the Eastern Orthodox churches. This was the first time leaders of the Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate had met. While the meeting was also seen as a symbolic moment in the history of relations between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox churches as a community, which had split in the Great Schism of 1054, centuries before the Moscow Patriarchate was constituted, it was not expected to lead to any immediate rapprochement between them.[1]

The 30-point declaration contains a joint call by the two church primates to end the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and wars in the region, expressing their hope that the meeting might contribute to the re-establishment of Christian unity between the two churches.[2] A range of other issues are mentioned in the declaration, including atheism, secularism, capitalism, consumerism, economic and social inequality, migrants and refugees, the importance of heterosexual marriage and the family, and concerns relating to abortion and euthanasia.[2]

According to the ROC leadership's public statements made before and after the Havana meeting, while the document stresses that both churches share the tradition of the first millennium of Christianity, the discussion during the meeting did not attempt to mend any of the persisting doctrinal and ecclesiastical differences between the two churches.[3][4][5][6] The Declaration however includes statements about Eastern Catholic Churches in line with the Balamand declaration[7] as well as the conflict in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church expressed disappointment, and Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate criticised the latter.[8][9][10]

  1. ^ "Unity call as Pope Francis holds historic talks with Russian Orthodox Patriarch". BBC. 13 February 2016. Archived from the original on 12 February 2016. Retrieved 14 February 2016.
  2. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference JointDeclaration was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  3. ^ Интервью Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла по итогам визита в страны Латинской Америки "мы не обсуждали ни одного богословского вопроса. Хорошо это или плохо – другой разговор, но богословие мы не обсуждали [...] Цель встречи никак не была связана с продвижением каких-то богословских соглашений."
  4. ^ Cite error: The named reference tasssin was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  5. ^ Alfeyev, Hilarion (11 February 2016). "Protivorechiya polnostyu ne preodoleny" Противоречия полностью не преодолены [Contradictions not overcome completely]. (Interview) (in Russian). Interviewed by Pavel Korobov. Moscow: Kommersant. Archived from the original on 11 February 2016. не преодолены вероучительные разногласия. Однако целью встречи и не является обсуждение вероучительных вопросов. Во-вторых, не преодолены те разногласия практического характера, которые омрачают жизнь наших церквей.
  6. ^ В РПЦ считают беспочвенными опасения относительно возможности слияния Православной и Католической церквей после встречи на Кубе [The ROC believe apprehensions about a merger of Orthodox and Catholic Churches after meeting in Cuba to be groundless]. NEWSru (Interview) (in Russian). 17 February 2016. я хотел бы посоветовать внимательно прочитать декларацию папы и патриарха, она показывает, на какие темы шла беседа. Там не было никакой попытки вероучительного сближения или вообще даже обсуждения каких-либо догматических или богословских вопросов. И сейчас такое обсуждение совершенно не стоит на повестке дня. Декларация начинается с того, что утрата Богозаповеданного единства является нарушением заповеди Христа, прозвучавшей в Его последней первосвященнической молитве: "Да будут все едины". К сожалению, христиане не смогли сохранить это единство, христиане Востока и Запада разделены и не участвуют совместно в евхаристии. Но речь сейчас идет не о преодолении этого разделения, а о том, чтобы научиться жить и действовать в этом мире не как соперники, а как братья, чтобы вместе защищать те ценности, которые являются для нас общими, чтобы совместно проповедовать Евангелие, открывать людям Божию правду.
  7. ^ Alfeyev, Hilarion (17 February 2016). "Mitropolit Ilarion: vse dolzhny vstat na put primireniya" Митрополит Иларион: все должны встать на путь примирения [Metropolitan Hilarion: all must rise to the path of reconciliation] (Interview) (in Russian). Interviewed by Olga Lipich. Moscow, RF: RIA Novosti. Archived from the original on 17 February 2016. Retrieved 17 February 2016.
  8. ^ "Ukrainian Greek Catholics 'betrayed' by pope-patriarch meeting". Istanbul, TR: Hürriyet Daily News. Agence France-Presse. 14 February 2016. Archived from the original on 17 February 2016. Retrieved 16 February 2016.
  9. ^ Shevchuk, Sviatoslav (13 February 2016). ""Two parallel worlds" – an interview with his beatitude Sviatoslav". (Interview). Interviewed by Ihor Yatsiv. Kyiv, UA: Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Archived from the original on 16 February 2016. Retrieved 17 February 2016.
  10. ^ Cite error: The named reference UkrayinskaPravda2016 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).