Joseph Fineberg

Joe Fineberg (1886–1957) was a prominent translator for the Communist International. He produced English translations of works by Alexander Bogdanov, Nikolay Dobrolyubov, Ilya Ehrenburg, Vladimir Lenin, Boris Polevoy, Leo Tolstoy and others.[1][2]

Fineberg was born in Poland but it was while in London that he became active in the Jewish Social Democratic Organisation, a section of the British Socialist Party (BSP) for Jews based in London's East End. Although living in Hackney, he was secretary of the Stepney BSP branch.[3]

In July 1918, Fineberg moved to post-revolutionary Russia of his own volition, at a time when many of his comrades were being deported. Once there he became a translator for the Communist International and joined the Bolshevik British Communist Group in Russia.

Fineberg was at the Founding Congress of the Comintern (2–6 March 1919).