July 2019 lunar eclipse

Partial Lunar Eclipse
July 16, 2019

Near greatest eclipse from Tilehurst, England, 21:30 UTC

This chart shows the right-to-left hourly motion of the Moon through the Earth's shadow.
Series (and member) 139 (22 of 81)
Gamma -0.643
Magnitude 0.6531
Duration (hr:mn:sc)
Partial 2:57:56
Penumbral 5:33:43
P1 18:43:53 UTC
U1 20:01:43
Greatest 21:30:44
U4 22:59:39
P4 0:17:36

A partial lunar eclipse occurred on the 16 and 17 July 2019. The Moon was covered 65.31% by the Earth's umbral shadow at maximum eclipse.

This was the last umbral lunar eclipse until May 2021.